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And chicks are programmed to play the game. As olde as time, and everywhere. I must have saved a fortune by not playing the stupid game, and considering what I had to deal with when I was a wee twat snot crotch droppin', the worst thing you can do is be owned, which you basically are if someone else is payin' for ya (conditionally). Feck that game with an ungreased, splintery phone pole, or one of the insane death metal Viking metro's swords that he used to swallow. (I'm still laughing over your description of Corey Rebhahn. Probably will be for a long, long time.)


The sword I could deal with. The meathook through the nose. . .AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! Members of The Holey Order of the Septum don't deal well with that kind of performance. Nightmares for years, I swear! That kind of nose abuse is beyond the pale. Then again, in some of his pics, Corey gives the Seidr Studios 'Night Gallery' a run for its money. One of Karisa's old drawings come to life a few times. Don't think I'll post those 'Morgue' pics unasked.

Those lyrics are totally in your face reality. Wish I could support you, but I'm spread too thin.

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